Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Location: Zoom Virtual Lecture
Time: 7:00 pm (EST)
“They have done all that can be expected of them.”
Join historian Owen Lourie to discover the lives and legacy of the Maryland Line, which bore heavy casualties at the Battle of Camden and throughout the Southern Campaign (1780-1783). Many of these Maryland soldiers were experienced veterans who enlisted in the earliest days of the war. They had endured tremendous hardship even before they undertook the 1,000-mile march to South Carolina. Drawing on extensive biographical research, this talk explores what became of the Marylanders in the Battle of Camden and afterward.
Advance registration required. Registration closes one half hour prior to lecture.
Cost: FREE
The Historic Annapolis 2025 Virtual Lecture Series is offered free of charge thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor. If you enjoy this program, we hope you will consider becoming a member or making a donation today to support Historic Annapolis and our mission to connect all people with our shared history.
Can’t watch the lecture live? The lecture will be recorded! Please register even if you cannot watch in real time; all attendees will receive a link to the recording of the lecture to watch at their convenience for two weeks. Live closed captioning is available for all lectures.
This lecture will be offered virtually by Zoom. Upon registration, you will be sent the link for the video conference to join on the evening of the lecture. If you do not receive your confirmation email after you register, please check your Spam folder, or email Cara Garside at To learn more about Zoom and to download the app to your computer, visit the Zoom website.
About Our Presenter: Owen Lourie is a historian at the Maryland State Archives specializing in Maryland government and military history during the colonial era and early republic. He holds an M.A. in history from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and a B.A. from Kenyon College in American Studies. Owen is the director of Finding the Maryland 400, a research project studying the First Maryland Regiment. He is the author of “Maryland’s Jews, Military Service, and the American Revolutionary Era: The Case of Elias Pollock,” an article which appeared in The Journal of Southern Jewish History. He is currently at work on a social history of the Maryland Line, chronicling the soldiers of the Maryland 400 during the Revolutionary War.
The information contained in the HA Virtual Lecture series represents the historical research, views and opinions of the lecture presenter and may not represent the views or opinions of Historic Annapolis, Inc.