Looking at the future while valuing the past: Self-driving car talk the latest in Annapolis speaker series
Capital Gazette, , Angela Roberts

As the blazing sun beat down on Annapolis’ streets and historic storefronts, Dr. Tim Chapin spelled out the not-so-distant future of transportation for a city deeply invested in remembering its past.
Learn More »‘Reimagining City Dock’ project continues with talk on self-driving cars Tuesday
Capital Gazette, , Capital Gazette Staff

Efforts to rethink the future of City Dock in Annapolis continue Tuesday night with a talk by a Florida academic on the potential impact of self-driving vehicles on the urban landscape.
Learn More »Historic Annapolis Joins Smithsonian Channel’s Apollo 11 Celebration With Screening Of ‘The Day We Walked On the Moon’
The Baltimore Times,

Historic Annapolis joins more than 50 other Smithsonian Institution-affiliated museums across the country in celebrating the 50th anniversary of humanities historic first steps on the moon by screening the Smithsonian Channel’s new documentary, “The Day We Walked on The Moon,” on Saturday, July 20, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Learn More »New citizens celebrate America’s birthday in Annapolis ceremony
Capital Gazette, , E.B. Furgurson III

Well before the crowds emerged in Annapolis for parades, festivities and fireworks, there were signs of life and the holiday — and the promise of America — in Annapolis on the Fourth of July.
Learn More »This wooden house grew old with Annapolis
The Washington Post, , Kathy Orton

Annapolis, Md., is filled with historic houses, many of which have survived from the 1700s. But most are brick homes, designed to endure. The Sands House is from the 1700s, too, but it was constructed of wood, a more perishable material.
Learn More »Historic Annapolis goes all in on James Brice House restoration
Capital Gazette, , Lauren Lumpkin

Efforts to restore the James Brice House in Annapolis are underway, as contractors work to return the historic home’s roof to its 1774 condition. Almost every piece of the home will be restored to the way it was built in the 18th century, even down to the oyster shell mortar, said Michael Day, vice president of capital projects at Historic Annapolis.
Learn More »Charleston mayor helps frame City Dock thinking as talks progress
Capital Gazette, , E.B. Furgurson III

Former Charleston Mayor Joe Riley helped frame the effort to rethink City Dock before a packed house at Maryland Hall as work continued on the broad discussions to fashion the city waterfront’s future.
Learn More »Preservation Personals: An Exquisitely Aged Annapolis Frame House
National Trust for Historic Preservation, , Emma Sarappo

I may not be flashy, but to history lovers, I absolutely stand out. I’ve housed Revolutionary War soldiers, seen my city under Civil War martial law, and watched Maryland’s mariners expand through the Chesapeake.
Learn More »Amazing Summer Day Trips to the Eastern Shore and Annapolis
Washingtonian, , Andrea Poe

This waterfront town is all about historic streetscapes and bustling marinas.
Learn More »Reimagining City Dock with former Charleston Mayor Joe Riley
Eye on Annapolis, , EOA Staff
The City of Annapolis, in partnership with Maryland Hall, will be launching a speaker series, “Reimagining City Dock.” The first speaker on May 20 will be former Charleston Mayor Joe Riley, who will discuss “Visionary Leadership, Transformation and Resilience.”
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