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Colonial Games Day at Hogshead

Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025

Location: Hogshead Trades Museum, 43 Pinkney Street, Annapolis, MD 21401

Time: 11:00 am (EDT) - 3:00 pm (EDT)

Take a break from screen time and join the students of Broadneck High School’s Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society at Hogshead

Trades Museum for a day of old-fashioned fun!

Students will demonstrate children’s games that were popular in colonial times such as skittles and shut the box. Everyone has a chance to participate in the fun and games – no batteries or Wi-Fi required!

Admission Cost: $5 suggested donation

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About Rho Kappa for High Schools:

Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society is the only national organization for high school juniors and seniors that recognizes excellence in the field of Social Studies. Any accredited public or private high school can apply for a local chapter, through which individuals will be inducted into Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society

Accessibility: Accessing this program requires ascending a flight of stairs.

Cancellation and Refund Policy: Historic Annapolis reserves the right to cancel or alter any programs. Unless otherwise stated, all tickets are non-refundable.

Photography Policy: Historic Annapolis reserves the right to take photographs and video footage of people of all ages at Historic Annapolis-sponsored events for publicity. If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please opt out by notifying Historic Annapolis staff.


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