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Virtual Orlando Ridout V Memorial Lecture

Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Location: Zoom Virtual Lecture

Time: 7:00 pm (EST) - 8:30 pm (EST)

Historic Annapolis and the Maryland Historical Trust invite you to attend the virtual encore of our 2024 Orlando Ridout V Memorial Lecture. The lecture is free, however reservations are required. Donations are appreciated to support this lecture series!

We are pleased to welcome Carl R. Lounsbury, Adjunct Associate Professor of History at William and Mary and Senior Architectural Historian at the Colonial William Foundation (retired), who will present his engaging lecture entitled Anglican Church Design in Virginia and Maryland: English Inheritance and Regional Interpretations.

Traditional architectural historiography has lumped Maryland and Virginia together as “the Chesapeake,” a region where any provincial variations were overshadowed by the commonality of plan types, construction methods, and decorative details. The evidence from the ecclesiastical landscape, however, belies this assumption. Although there is a superficial resemblance between the thirty surviving colonial churches in Maryland and the slightly larger number in Virginia, they differ significantly in terms of plan and decorative brickwork. In Maryland, attached vestry rooms, porches, and chancels and the penchant for selective glazing and bonding patterns combined to create a building type that set it apart from Virginia and more closely resembled Anglican churches in other colonies.

Built to serve similar functions, the parish churches of Virginia and Maryland varied due to the influence of local building practices and the dynamics of Anglican church planning in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. This presentation explores the origins and reasons for those differences.

Advance registration required; registration closes one half hour prior to lecture.

Cost: FREE (donations appreciated!)

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Can’t watch the lecture live? The lecture will be recorded! Please register even if you cannot watch in real time; all attendees will receive a link to the recording of the lecture to watch at their convenience for two weeks. Live closed captioning is available for all lectures.

This lecture will be offered virtually by Zoom. Upon registration, you will be sent the link for the video conference to join on the evening of the lecture. If you do not receive your confirmation email after you register, please check your Spam folder, or email Cara Garside at To learn more about Zoom and to download the app to your computer, visit the Zoom website.


About Our Presenter: Carl Lounsbury retired as the Senior Architectural Historian in the Architectural and Archaeological Research Department at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation in 2016. Over a 35-year career at Colonial Williamsburg, he researched English and colonial American public buildings, churches, and theatres as well as the terminology, practice, and technology of preindustrial building. He was involved in the restoration of many buildings in Williamsburg’s Historic Area including the courthouse and the market house. Since 2002, Carl has taught courses in architectural history and a summer field school at William and Mary. In addition, he remains an active consultant in architectural research and preservation throughout the region. 

Carl earned his undergraduate degree in History and English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and received his MA and PhD from George Washington University. In addition to William and Mary, he has taught at the University of Mary Washington, VCU, and the University of Virginia.
Carl was a member of the Friends of Friendless Farm buildings, a group of young architectural historians who met irregularly in the late 1970s to discuss field recording methods, and where he first met Orlando. Carl is also a founding member of the Vernacular Architecture Forum.


The information contained in the HA Virtual Lecture series represents the historical research, views and opinions of the lecture presenter and may not represent the views or opinions of Historic Annapolis, Inc.

Cancellation and Refund Policy: Historic Annapolis reserves the right to cancel or alter any programs. Unless otherwise stated, all tickets are non-refundable.

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